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Results 2401 - 2415 of 3073
Human Radius Model - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0096
This model is a realistic replica of the human radius bone. This...
798,60 CZK
Human Ulna Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0094
Unfortunately it is not possible to specify left or right version,...
798,60 CZK
Human Humerus Model - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0092
This anatomically correct human humerus was modeled on a real human...
943,80 CZK
Hand Skeleton with portions of ulna and radius
Cat.n.: AM110-0090
This high quality hand skeleton is wire mounted, naturally flexible...
2 553,10 CZK
Hand Skeleton wire mounted
Cat.n.: AM110-0088
This hand skeleton model is high quality for detailed anatomical...
1 815,00 CZK
Loose Hand Skeleton with Ulna and Radius
Cat.n.: AM110-0086
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
2 988,70 CZK
Hand Skeleton
Cat.n.: AM110-0084
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
2 165,90 CZK
Human Leg Skeleton Model with Hip Bone
Cat.n.: AM110-0080
Includes 11 3B Smart Anatomy courses with 23 lectures and 117...
4 041,40 CZK
Human Skeleton of Leg with Foot
Cat.n.: AM110-0078
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
3 545,30 CZK
Human Hip Bone Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0075
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
943,80 CZK
Human Fibula Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0073
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
544,50 CZK
Human Tibia Model- 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0071
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
762,30 CZK
Cat.n.: AM110-0069
This model is a realistic replica of the human patella bone. This...
629,20 CZK
Human Femur - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0068
The realistic replica of the human femur is a great addition to any...
1 197,90 CZK